Articole ISI publicate în anul 2024
- Albu, E., Prisacaru, A. E., Ghinea, C., Ursachi, F., & Apostol, L. C. (2024). Ready-to-Use Vegetable Salads: Physicochemical and Microbiological Evaluation. Applied Sciences, 14(7), 3068.
- Anchidin-Norocel, L., Gutt, G., Tătăranu, E., & Amariei, S. (2024). Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors: Effective Tools for Detecting Heavy Metals in Water and Food with Possible Implications for Children’s Health. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 100643.
- Avrămia, I., Oroian, M. A., & Oiţă, R. C. (2024). A Review of Current Trends of Vitamin Identification and Quantification by Chromatography From Food Samples. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 106244.
- Axentii, M., & Codină, G. G. (2024). Exploring the Nutritional Potential and Functionality of Hemp and Rapeseed Proteins: A Review on Unveiling Anti-Nutritional Factors, Bioactive Compounds, and Functional Attributes. Plants, 13(9), 1195.
- Balaes, T., Marandis, C. G., Mangalagiu, V., Glod, M., & Mangalagiu, I. I. (2024). New insides into chimeric and hybrid azines derivatives with antifungal activity. Future Medicinal Chemistry, 1-18.
- Blejan, A. M., Nour, V., & Codină, G. G. (2024). Physicochemical and Functional Characterization of Pear Leathers Enriched with Wild Bilberry and Blackcurrant Pomace Powders. Agronomy, 14(9).
- Blejan, A. M., Nour, V., Corbu, A. R., & Codină, G. G. (2024). Influence of bilberry pomace powder addition on the physicochemical, functional, rheological, and sensory properties of stirred yogurt. Gels, 10(10), 616.
- Chioru, A., Chirsanova, A., Dabija, A., Avrămia, I., Boiştean, A., & Chetrariu, A. (2024). Extraction Methods and Characterization of β-Glucans from Yeast Lees of Wines Produced Using Different Technologies. Foods, 13(24), 3982.
- Cîrstea, N., Nour, V., Corbu, A. R., & Codină, G. G. (2024). Blackcurrant Pomace Extract as a Natural Antioxidant in Vienna Sausages Reformulated by Replacement of Pork Backfat with Emulsion Gels Based on High Oleic Sunflower and Flaxseed Oils. Gels, 10(8), 534.
- Codină, G. G., & Dabija, A. (2024). Innovative Grain Processing: Trends and Technologies. Applied Sciences, 14(23), 10954.
- Cuciurean, C. I., Sidor, C. G., Camarero, J. J., Buculei, A., & Badea, O. (2024). Detecting changes in industrial pollution by analyzing heavy metal concentrations in tree-ring wood from Romanian conifer forests. Environmental Research, 252, 118884.
- Dabija, D., Nastase, C. E., Chetrariu, A., & Dabija, A. (2024). Multi-Criteria Analysis in Circular Economy Principles: Using AHP Model for Risk Assessment in Sustainable Whisky Production. Computation, 12(10), 206.
- Dana, H., & Sonia, A. (2024). Effect of Apple Puree as a Substitute for Fat and Sugar on the Texture and Physical Properties of Muffins. Applied Sciences, 14(19), 9009.
- Dana, H., & Sonia, A. (2024). Physicochemical Properties of Apple Purees and Peel Extract for Potential Use in Pastry Products. Applied Sciences, 14(5), 2011.
- Dana, H., & Sonia, A. (2024). Possibility of Replacing Sugar with Apple Puree in Muffins. Applied Sciences, 14(18), 8511.
- Dana, H., & Sonia, A. (2024). Substituting sugar in pastry and bakery products with functional ingredients. Applied Sciences, 14(18), 8563.
- Dranca, F., & Mironeasa, S. (2024). Green Extraction of Pectin from Sugar Beet Flakes and Its Application in Hydrogels and Cryogels. Gels, 10(4), 228.
- Dranca, F., & Mironeasa, S. (2024). Hot-air drying vs. lyophilization of sugar beet flakes for efficient pectin recovery and influence of extraction conditions on pectin physicochemical properties. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 265, 131063.
- Flaiș, D., & Oroian, M. (2024). Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Oxheart Tomato Pomace (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) Using Different Solvents: Characterization of Extracts. Applied Sciences, 14(16), 7143.
- Ghendov-Mosanu, A., Popa, N., Paiu, S., Boestean, O., Bulgaru, V., Leatamborg, S., … & Codină, G. G. (2024). Breadmaking Quality Parameters of Different Varieties of Triticale Cultivars. Foods, 13(11), 1671.
- Roxana Elena Gheorghita, Ancuta Veronica Lupaescu, Anca Mihaela Gâtlan, Dadiana Dabija, Andrei Lobiuc, Oana Camelia Iatcu, Amelia Buculei, Alexandru Andriesi, Adriana Dabija (2024). Biopolymers-Based Macrogels with Applications in the Food Industry: Capsules with Berry Juice for Functional Food Products. Gels, 10(1), 71.
- Ghinea, C., Prisacaru, A. E., Paduret, S., & Leahu, A. (2023, November). Consumer Preferences for Yogurt Attributes: Survey and Sensory Evaluation. In International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering(pp. 452-460). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Hretcanu, C. E. (2024). Preface to: Submanifolds in Metric Manifolds. Mathematics, 12(7), 1102.
- Hreţcanu, C. E., & Druţă-Romaniuc, S. L. (2024). On the Geometry of Semi-Invariant Submanifolds in (α, p)-Golden Riemannian Manifolds. Mathematics (2227-7390), 12(23).
- Leahu, A., Ghinea, C., & Ropciuc, S. (2023, November). Apple Pomace: Influence on the Physico-Chemical and Textural Characteristics of Gluten-Free Biscuits. In International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering(pp. 542-550). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
- LEAHU, A., GHINEA, C., & ROPCIUC, S. (2024). Physical and sensory properties of berry craft sorbet with inulin and effect of storage on total monomeric anthocyanins. Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry. Volume 35, Number 1, pp. 51 – 57, 2024.
- Luca, L., Pauliuc, D., & Oroian, M. (2024). Honey microbiota, methods for determining the microbiological composition and the antimicrobial effect of honey–A review. Food Chemistry: X, 101524.
- Mironeasa, S., & Ungureanu-Iuga, M. (2024). Plants, Lichens, Fungi and Algae Ingredients for Nutrition and Health. Applied Sciences, 14(7), 2800.
- Necula, D., Ungureanu-Iuga, M., & Ognean, L. (2024). Beyond the Traditional Mountain Emmental Cheese in “Ţara Dornelor”, Romania: Consumer and Producer Profiles, and Product Sensory Characteristics. Agriculture, 14(4), 621.
- Necula, D., Ungureanu-Iuga, M., Máthé, E., Pecsenye, B., Surdu, I., Turcuş, V., & Ognean, L. (2024). Season and Processing Technology Impact on a Traditional Mountain Emmental Cheese. Agriculture, 14(12), 2149.
- Netreba, N., Sergheeva, E., Gurev, A., Dragancea, V., Codină, G. G., Sturza, R., & Ghendov-Mosanu, A. (2024). The Influence of Pomace Powder of Musky Squash on the Characteristics of Foamy Confectionery Products during Storage. Applied Sciences, 14(15), 6671.
- Oroian, M. (2024). A new perspective regarding the adulteration detection of cold-pressed oils. LWT, 116025.
- PĂDUREŢ, S. (2024). Chemical composition and storage temperature influence on textural characteristics of bakery fats derived from plant sources. Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry. Volume 35, Number 1, pp. 73 – 82, 2024.
- Pădureţ, S., Ghinea, C., Prisacaru, A. E., & Leahu, A. (2024). Physicochemical, Textural, and Antioxidant Attributes of Yogurts Supplemented with Black Chokeberry: Fruit, Juice, and Pomace. Foods, 13(20), 3231.
- Petraru, A., & Amariei, S. (2024). Rapeseed—An Important Oleaginous Plant in the Oil Industry and the Resulting Meal a Valuable Source of Bioactive Compounds. Plants, 13(21), 3085.
- Popescu, M. V., Dabija, A., & Chetrariu, A. (2024). ALTERNATIVE NATURAL SWEETENERS AS SUGAR SUBSTITUTES USED IN MAKING ICE CREAM. Scientific Study & Research. Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry, 25(3), 287-299.
- Prisacaru, A. E., Ghinea, C., Albu, E., & Ilaș, A. (2023, November). Quality Assessment of Commercial Eggs: Effects of Oil Coating, Storage Time and Temperature on Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Characteristics. In International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering(pp. 471-479). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Ropciuc, S., Dranca, F., Oroian, M. A., Leahu, A., Prisacaru, A. E., Spinei, M., & Codină, G. G. (2024). Characterization of Beeswax and Rice Bran Wax Oleogels Based on Different Types of Vegetable Oils and Their Impact on Wheat Flour Dough Technological Behavior during Bun Making. Gels, 10(3), 194.
- Ropciuc, S., Ghinea, C., Leahu, A., Prisacaru, A. E., Oroian, M. A., Apostol, L. C., & Dranca, F. (2024). Development and Characterization of New Plant-Based Ice Cream Assortments Using Oleogels as Fat Source. Gels, 10(6), 397.
- Spinei, M., & Oroian, M. (2023). Characterization of Băbească Neagră grape pomace and incorporation into jelly candy: evaluation of phytochemical, sensory, and textural properties. Foods, 13(1), 98.
- Spinei, M., Oroian, M., & Ursachi, V. F. (2024). Characterization of biodegradable films based on carboxymethyl cellulose and citrus pectin films enriched with bee bread oil and thyme oil. LWT, 214, 117088.
- Ungureanu‐Iuga, M., Surdu, I., & Necula, D. Characteristics of mountain vs. lowland dairy products. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. Volume59, Issue7, pag 4359-4373.
- Ursachi, V. F., Oroian, M., & Spinei, M. (2024). Development and characterization of biodegradable films based on cellulose derivatives and citrus pectin: A comparative study. Industrial Crops and Products, 219, 119052.
- Ungureanu-Iuga, M., Mironeasa, S., Batariuc, A., Mironeasa, C., & Oroian, M. A. (2024). Extruded snacks from maize flour with red grape pomace. Ukrainian Food Journal, 13(3), 557.
- Mironeasa, S., Ungureanu-Iuga, M., Mironeasa, C., (2024). Assessing of maize-based snacks formulated with whole and seedless white grape pomace. Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2024, 16(4), 5-17.
- Mangalagiu,V.; Danac, R.; Diaconu, D.; Zbancioc, G.; Mangalagiu, I.I.* Hybrids diazine: Recent Advancements in Modern Antimicrobial Therapy. Current Medicinal Chemistry (Curr. Med. Chem.) 2024, 31(19), 2687-2705. Bentham Science Publishers, ISSN (Print): 0929-8673; ISSN (Online): 1875-533X DOI: 10.2174/0929867330666230418104409
- Balaes, T.; Marandis, C.G.; Mangalagiu, V.; Glod, M.; Mangalagiu, I.I.* New insides into chimeric and hybrid azines derivatives with antifungal activity. Future Medicinal Chemistry (Future Med. Chem.) 2024, 16(11), 1163–1180.